3 Days in new Orleans: The best travel plan

planning a trip and wondering what to make with 3 days in new Orleans? read on for a jam-packed travel plan for the big easy and plan the best weekend getaway.

With three days in new Orleans, you can indulge in the city’s fantastic culinary, music, and nightlife scenes. If all you do is eat, drink, and dance that’s absolutely fine here. In fact, it’s to be expected.

Along the way, you’ll get to take pleasure in strolling around the picturesque French Quarter, preferably with a to-go cup in hand — this is one of the few places where you can actually drink in public in the United States.

The motto of new Orleans is “let the good times roll,” and that’s precisely what you must do on a trip there. 

Apart from eating, drinking, and enjoying the music scene, new Orleans is a terrific melting pot of cultures and people and there are many museums, events and neighbourhoods to visit that reflect the city’s diversity.

In this new Orleans 3 day itinerary, I’ll share my best ideas for where to stay, things to do, and where to eat and drink.

Day 1 in new Orleans
Day 2 in new Orleans
Day 3 in new Orleans
Insider’s ideas for 3 Days in new Orleans
Getting to new Orleans
Best places to stay With 3 Days in new Orleans
Have fun With This new Orleans Itinerary! 

Day 1 in new Orleans

The first of your 3 days in new Orleans is dedicated to exploring the city’s historic French Quarter. You’ll get to admire the architecture, dig into mouthwatering local cuisine, and start the party off right.


Let’s just go ahead and get one of the most touristy things to do in new Orleans out of the way. start your day off at cafe du Monde near Jackson Square.

This is a quintessential stop on any new Orleans itinerary.

Join the line (there will certainly be one) to sample the popular beignets. never heard of them? It’s a fancy French name for balls of fried dough that are doused in powdered sugar.

As you might expect, they are absolutely delicious! They’re especially good with a cup of coffee. That sugar and caffeine high will absolutely get you moving to kick off your 3 days in new Orleans.

Spend the rest of your morning wandering around the French Quarter. I find aimless wandering of the area to be a really good time, but if you like a bit a lot more direction you can join the complimentary walking tour. 

Free excursions By Foot uses excursions daily at 10AM starting at the statue of Andrew Jackson. excursions last about two hours and are donation-based, so be sure to idea your guide if you take pleasure in it! Click here to let them know you’re coming.

Whether you join a excursion or make your own you’re in for a treat. new Orleans is one of the most photogenic American cities out there, so make sure you bring your cam for this one!


Walking around the French Quarter all morning will definitely work up an appetite. It’s time to start checking items off your to-eat list, which must be a long one for a weekend in new Orleans.

The cuisine of new Orleans is mostly composed of the holy trinity of Cajun, Creole, and soul food. From jambalaya to po’ kids to crawfish, there are lots of classic new Orleans dishes you’ll need to sample.

With so lots of restaurants to choose from, there are always deals to be had in the French Quarter.

It’s worth it to check out Groupon just before your trip to see what promotions places are running. We had an exceptional lunch for a very affordable price at the new Orleans Creole Cookery on one visit.

It can be a bit intimidating deciding where to eat with so lots of options. let someone else figure it out by going on this afternoon food tour. Over the course of three hours, you’ll get to try ten tasty dishes as you learn about the history of food in new Orleans.

After all that food, you’ll probably be feeling like you need a nap. You’ve only got 3 days in new Orleans, though, so I suggest grabbing a coffee instead.

Rejuvenated by the magic of caffeine, head down to the riverfront for a leisurely stroll. The Moonwalk Riverfront Park is the best place to start. take pleasure in the views of the Mighty Mississippi and public art along this picturesque promenade. 

At the end of the park, you have a few choices for how to proceed.

The Audobon Aquarium of the Americas is a popular place to visit in new Orleans. There’s also the Butterfly garden and Insectarium nearby. Click here to check out ticket options for both.

While you’re over here, you might want to jump on the ferry at the Canal street Terminal. It’s well worth the $2 to head over to Algiers for an outstanding view of the cityscape. 

Stick around for a bit to check out the jazz walk of Fame. If you feel like it’s time for a drink (and it is), drop into Crown & anchor — an English-style pub and a great warmup before the madness of Bourbon Street.


Those who want a slightly classier experience than the local ferry can select a river cruise. Steamboat Natchez is the top choice, using 2-hour dinner cruises with live music. Click here to check out all their options and prices.

If you don’t go on the river cruise, you have plenty of options for where to eat and drink in new Orleans. For a classic big easy experience, head over to the hotel Monteleone. 

Here you’ll find the exceptional Criollo, which always has a creative seasonal menu. The hotel is also home to the popular Carousel, a legendary new Orleans bar. It’s not just a creative name — the bar is an actual carousel!

Their signature drink is the Vieux Carré, a potent yet smooth cocktail with cognac, vermouth, whiskey, and bitters. It was actually developed here, so you’re drinking in a bit of history! It’s absolutely one of the top new Orleans cocktails to try.

After a great dinner and a couple of drinks, you’re ready to check out the infamous Bourbon Street. Go ahead and get hold of a frozen cocktail in a comically large cup or one of the “big ass beers” they advertise and join the party.

I’ll be sincere with you — Bourbon street isn’t really my thing.

It’s incredibly touristy, obnoxiously loud, and rather sloppy. That being said, it’s absolutely still a must-see for a weekend in new Orleans. If anything, the people-watching alone is worth the trip!

One of Bourbon Street’s only redeeming qualities is that it’s home to Lafitte’s Blacksmith Bar & Shop. This historic watering hole is one of the top new Orleans bars to get hold of a drink in.

This place is 300 years old and is named after a French pirate. It’s also a candle-lit piano bar. It doesn’t get much cooler than that.

Looking for a lot more articles about travelling to new Orleans?

21 things To do in new Orleans

7 Must-Try cocktails in new Orleans

10 best Bars in new Orleans

10 Must-Try Dishes in new Orleans

Top 10 best festivals in new Orleans

7 best Swamp excursions in new Orleans

Day 2 in new Orleans

Did you get a little carried away last night? It’s OK, so did everyone else. No rest for the weary, though! You’ve got to make the most of new Orleans in 3 days.


I’m not normally a fan of brunch (it’s overrated and overpriced), but I’ll make an exception in new Orleans. For some reason eating a huge meal accompanied by a few drinks with sunglasses on just seems right.

On my last visit to the big Easy, we had a fantastic brunch at the Ruby Slipper Cafe. Eggs Benedict, a Bloody Mary, and coffee supply the best fuel for another day in new Orleans.


While you’re down here in the Mississippi Delta, why not head out to the swamp? It only takes half an hour from the French Quarter to be out in the bayou surrounded by gators. 

There are tons of options — swamp boat, airboat, canoe, kayak, and hiking are all possible. read all about the 7 best swamp excursions in new Orleans to find which one is best for you. 

The only downside to taking a swamp excursion is that it takes up a lot of of the afternoon. But, it’s absolutely a special experience to have.

If you skip the swamp tour, I suggest heading up to City Park instead. It may not be as famous, but it’s actually bigger than new York’s central Park.

There’s enough to see and do in the park to keep you busy for several hours. You can check out the new Orleans Botanical garden (tickets are $8) to see a lot more than 2,000 plants from around the world.

Another option is the excellent new Orleans museum of Art ($15) and the sculpture garden ($5). There are also boats and bikes for rent and a trifecta of golf courses (normal, mini, and disc). 

It’s a bit out of the way, but it’s worth the detour to head to Parkway Bakery & Tavern. This is one of the most popular places among locals for a new Orleans classic — a po’ boy.

Pro tip: buy it “dressed” if you want lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and mayo.


For your 2nd evening in new Orleans, I recommend sticking to Frenchmen Street. This is the place to dive headfirst into the rich musical heritage of the big Easy.

New Orleans is known as the “birthplace of jazz,” which originated from pre-Civil war drumming and voodoo rituals. While jazz is still a big part of the local culture (including the annual Jazz Fest), youkuulee laajan valikoiman elävää musiikkia Frenchmen Street -kadulla.

Kaupungin Faubourg Marignyn naapuruston tähän 3-korttelin osaan on pakattu kymmeniä musiikkipaikkoja. Joillakin on kansivaraus, mutta paljon ei, jotta voit pomppia ympäri kuulla useita bändejä yhdessä yössä.

Musiikki ei kuitenkaan ole vain täällä olevissa baareissa. Kuulet myös kaduilla häiritseviä verkkovierailubändejä. New Orleansin jokaisessa nurkassa on todella musiikkia!

Kun tarvitset väistämättä jonkin verran myöhäisillan ruokaa nauhan imettämiseksi, dat-lemmikkikoira on paikka olla. Se ei saa paljon enemmän NOLA: ta kuin alligaattorin makkara, jonka päällä on rapujen etouffee.

Päivä 3 New Orleansissa

New Orleansissa suuren viikonlopun viimeisenä aamuna olet todennäköisesti hieman uupunut kaikesta hauskastasi.

Älä huolestu – otan sinulle helpon sinulle kolmen päivän finaaliksi New Orleansissa.


Käytän termiä “aamu” löysästi täällä, koska on todennäköistä, että et ehkä liikkua ennen keskipäivää. Jos onnistut menemään aikaisemmin kuin sunnuntaina Big Easy, kiitän sinua.

Aina kun rullaat sängystä, siirry vain Ranskan neljänneksen pohjoispuolella Tremeen. Tämä on yksi kaupungin vanhimmista kaupunginosista ja afrikkalais-amerikkalaisen ja kreolikulttuurin keskus.

Olen varma, että voit käyttää nyt kofeiinia ihanteellista, joten pudota joko Treme -kahvila- tai Fatman rentouttavaan nurkkaan. Polttoaine kahvilla ja kevyellä aamiaisella ja sitten ulos tutkiaksesi aluetta.


Sinulla on muutamia vaihtoehtoja täällä tekemistä asioista, mukaan lukien New Orleansin afrikkalainen amerikkalainen museo. Voit ottaa itseohjatun retken 20 dollarilla tai kirjautua johonkin heidän opastetuista retkistään.

Puolipäivän ”Treme Experience” on suosittu yksityiskohtainen retki, joka sisältää myös lounaan. Napsauta tätä nähdäksesi kaikki vaihtoehdot.

Toinen välttämätön alueella on Louis Armstrong Park. Täällä voit käydä historiallisella Kongon aukiolla sekä New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park -puistossa. Se on ihanteellinen – täällä on omistettu kansallispuisto!

Kansallispuistopalvelu on koonnut alueen suuren itseohjatun kävelyretken. Napsauta vain tätä ladataksesi kartan. Siinä on puhelinnumero, jonka voit soittaa ilmaiselle äänikierrokselle.

Yksi pysäkki siinä kävelyretkessä on legendaarinen säilyttämishalli. Heidän tehtävänsä, kun he avasivat vuonna 1961

Paljon enemmän kuin vain tapahtumapaikka, säilyttämishalli on myös voittoa tavoittelematon organisaatio, yhtye ja levy-yhtiö.

You can catch shows on a nightly basis with the first performance at 5 PM. Yleiset sisäänpääsyliput ovat vain 20 dollaria (vain käteisvaro), mutta sinun on näytettävä aikaisin, jos toivot saavasi yhden.

They also sell seated tickets online for $35-40, so it’s not a bad idea to pick some up well in development if you know your dates.

Se on klassinen New Orleansin kokemus ja se on myös hyvä syy, joten se on win-win! Head to their web site to check out your options.


Whether you have tickets or not, it’s time to get hold of one last dinner in the big Easy. There are limitless options within a short walk of the hall as it’s in the heart of the French Quarter. 

If you haven’t had it yet, you can finally try a classic new Orleans dish at the Gumbo Shop. For Creole cuisine in a picturesque courtyard, you can head to The Court of two Sisters.

You can’t leave new Orleans without experiencing a bit of voodoo. If you can make it there before 6, the historic Voodoo museum is worth a quick stop (tickets are $7). Otherwise, the nearby Marie Laveau’s house Of Voodoo stays open late.

At this p

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